Re-elected NLCA President Determined to Reduce Barriers to Chiropractic Care
During its recent annual general meeting, the membership of the Newfoundland and Labrador Chiropractic Association (NLCA) confirmed Dr. Linda Slaney as their President for a third term.
Slaney, who has served as NLCA President since being elected in 2012, is a practicing chiropractor in St. John’s and a graduate of Memorial University (B.Kin (Hons)) and Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College.
“We all need to be doing more to reduce the burden of low back pain and other musculoskeletal conditions” said Slaney. “Musculoskeletal conditions are now the leading cause of disability in societyand second only after the common cold as a cause of missed days from work. To think that many Newfoundlanders and Labradoreans still don’t have access to the expertise of a chiropractor because of financial barriers is very concerning.” In referencing the vision of the NLCA to remove barriers to access Slaney reported “As an association, we are moving forward with initiatives to provide access for some of the poorest in our society. However, much more needs to be done to manage the low back pain epidemic in this province.”
Dr. Darrell Wade, Executive Director and CEO went on to say, “In the upcoming year, we look forward to the opportunity to work together with our provincial government in helping those who suffer from back pain get the care they need. We know that 25% of Newfoundlanders face significant financial barriers, preventing many patients from receiving needed chiropractic care. We believe this warrants serious discussion.”
Also at the meeting, recognition was given to members for their outstanding service to the profession. Dr. Jeff Marshall was named Chiropractor of the Year for his service to the profession and community and Dr. Donald Vance was presented with the inaugural Honourary Life Patron Award in acknowledgement of his years of dedication to the chiropractic profession in NL. Dr. Carl Eustace, Immediate Past President, stated “It was quite fitting to recognize Dr. Vance for his contributions this year as it marks the 30th anniversary of both the NLCA and Dr. Vance’s inauguration as the first president of the NLCA in 1984.”